Friday, October 24, 2008

50 Things about me and my family

I was tagged on Lexee's Blog, and that requires me to write 50 things about myself.  I feel sorry for anyone who has to read this.  I am not very interesting.  But here goes...
  1. The most important thing in my life is my family.  I have been so blessed to have the best wife and kids in the whole world.
  2. This is no secret to many of you, but I love cars.  Everything about them is interesting to me.  I love owning them and driving them, but the problem is that I can never settle on one.
  3. I love sending and receiving text messages.  It makes me feel like someone cares.
  4. I love that Jack has turned into a Daddy's boy.  He was all about his mom, and then one night he got sick and I took care of him all through the night (Normally it is Erin) but ever since then he is a complete Daddy's boy and I love it.
  5. I wish Sam was a Daddy's boy.  He likes me and is so cute with me until he sees his mom, then it is see you later dad.
  6. My favorite time of year is from October to January.  I love the colors of the seasons (Yellow and Orange). And I love how people are so much more friendly.  I just love it.
  7. I have a huge head.  I know that is not a secret, but it is way too big.
  8. To go along with that, I have really small ears.  It might just be that my head is way too big and my ears are normal, but I think it is a combination of both.
  9. I love watching NFL football.  I could watch it all day long, and sometimes I do.
  10. My favorite meal ever is thanksgiving.  I love the turkey, potatoes, rolls, all of it is just awesome, except for cranberry sauce, nasty.
  11. I love my job, I do not know if everyone is the same way, but I love what I do.
  12. I wish I had a good singing voice or could play the piano.  I just wish I had some musical ability's, but I have none.
  13. I served a two year mission in Upstate New York.  I love that area.
  14. I am the worst writer and speller in the world.
  15. I love going to Broadway plays.  My favorite is Les Miserable and then Phantom and Joseph.
  16. My favorite movie is probably Sea Biscuit.  
  17. I love soft music, unless I am working out or doing something sports wise.
  18. I sometimes feel like I do not deserve my wife.  She is so much better than me in every way, I just can not figure out what she ever saw in me.  It was probably my huge head. :)
  19. My favorite trip of all time was when my dad took the whole family down to Mexico.  It was the most relaxing best trip ever.
  20. My favorite color is Orange.
  21. I could eat pizza for every meal. Yum.
  22. I love watching movies with the sound just cranked way up.  If I can not get it turned up loud then I do not even want to watch it.
  23. I do not like oriental food.  I am just a meat and potatoes guy.  Ok I also do love Italian food.
  24. I have two pet peeve's the first is when people do not call back.  I hate that more than anything, at least respond back with a text message.  It especially bugs me when it is from someone you know always has their phone on them.  Lame
  25. The second is when drivers give you the finger when they do something wrong.  Like if someone cuts you off and you honk, and they turn around and give you the finger.  It makes my blood boil.  All they have to do is say sorry and it is over.
  26. My kids were very cute when they were born.  Some kids are funny looking when they are born, but I truly believe that my kids were not.
  27. I always have dreams that I am back on my mission and I have to serve another year and a half.  It is not a fun dream.
  28. I love to help people out.  
  29. I love being around people, but I hate being in a big group.
  30. I would rather sit at home on a Friday and Saturday night with a good movie and a good dinner than go out on the town.
  31. There is one thing that I like more than cars, but I will not talk about that here. :0
  32. I love to put Christmas lights on my house.  Every year I try and do more and more but I do not know what to do this year.
  33. My favorite TV show is One Tree Hill.  It is awesome, and I know what you might be thinking, but just watch it and you will love it also.
  34. I sometimes work out to an episode of One Tree Hill.  It makes me motivated.
  35. I feel like I talk to much at times.  It is hard because sometimes I am around people who are just silent and I feel like I have to make up for their lack of talking.
  36. When I was a kid and I was going to tell a lie, I would always ask what right before I told the lie.
  37. When I am in a conversation and I have nothing left to say, and there is that weird silence, I always say "Man, I am tired"
  38. When I was in middle and high school I was always the girls friends never the guy the girls liked. It was always "Oh don't worry it's just Brian."  Little did you girls know I just told people that we dated :)
  39. I love to play Basketball. It is one of my favorite sports to play.  I love football but it seems like it is so much harder to get people to play.
  40. I have only been able to dunk a basketball once in my life and that was on my mission.
  41. If I could go out and buy a car right now, I would love to buy a Convertible Ford Mustang GT500.  Because it is a fast car that is convertible that I can also fit my whole family in.
  42. The scariest thing in my life was when Jack was two and a half.  He was not feeling well and he started to run a fever.  We got him all bundled in his warm PJ's and Erin was holding him on the couch.  Soon after sitting down Erin called to me.  When I ran over there Jack was shacking and not breathing.  I grabbed him and tried to get him to stop shacking but there was nothing I could do, I had to just let it run its course.  I ran him down the street to a neighbors as Erin called the ambulance.  It wasn't until he was purple that we finally stopped shacking and finally took a breath.  He did not come to for a couple of minutes after, but I remember being so grateful that he was breathing again.  It was the scariest experience I have ever had.  I remember think I was going to lose him and there was nothing I could do about it. 
  43. I love playing movie quotes with my wife.  She is the best at that game. 
  44. I want to have huge biceps and chest muscles.  I am trying to work on it, but it is taking a really long time.
  45. My favorite treat is cookies.  That is probably why I do not have huge muscles.
  46. I love to make people laugh.
  47. My favorite candy bar is a Kit Kat
  48. My favorite candle is the Pumpkin Pie candle from Yankee.
  49. I love Thomas Kinkade paintings.
  50. There is no one I would rather be around then my wife.


altee said...

That was fun to read, although I believe the whole "I hate it when people don't respond, especially when you know they have their phone" comment was aimed right at me! Me and Lexee had a few good laughs!

brandonandlexee said...

Ever seen "So I Married an Axe Murderer?"--"Head, MOVE! Look at the size of that's like an orange on a toothpick!" That's what all your BIG HEAD talk reminds me of:)
Hey your story with Jack's fever reminds me of my little passer outer child! As I have told you she passes out all the time but last November she got a fever that hit 105 and it was the scariest night of MY life. I was at the doctors at 10:30 at night and we had her covered with ice packs and wet cloths to get her fever down (as she was in delirium). They finally let us go home when it lowered down to 103 but they were giving me instructions on how to deal with a seizure!!!! I was freaking out inside. One of those nights that you would rather not be a parent and worry about somone that you love so much. How was THAT comment...longest one EVER! Beat that:) Oh, and I guessed it...the thing you love more than cars is...visiting me and brandon in St. George. That is the only clue I could get from all of our conversations and texting

mom & dad ainsworth said...

This is the first time I've ever commented on anyone's blog. Not even on Lexee's, so please don't tell her. I laughed almost as hard at your list of 50 as I did at her list. I'm glad she tagged you. I'll have to pay attention to you and the line "Man, I'm tired" the next time I'm telling a story that I think is pretty interesting, 'cause maybe it's really not. Oh well, I'm sure you wouldn't say such a cruel thing to your friend's parents, because we're your favorite (the ones that call you "Brian" only). Anyway, I like your blog.

Billy and Nikki said...

I like 1 and 4 and I'll watch out for 37! I wish Billy would blog! I'll make sure to tell him that you blog then he'll think its cool.

Brandon and Tenille said...
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